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  • Writer's pictureTulika Publishers

It's raining reviews!

We've had some lovely reviews pouring in this month. First off, we have the pithy, insightful Kirkus review on I am Different:

"An informational picture book presenting diverse languages to child readers, this offering from Indian novelist, playwright and cartoonist Padmanabhan and the Global Fund for Children is a tour de force. . . A substantive, engaging title for multilingual education. Bravo!"

There’s warm praise for My Grandfather Aajoba in this Papertigers review:

“. . .after reading My Grandfather, Aajoba young readers set about creating their own grandparent storybooks: for not only does this delightful book draw readers into the solid reality of the relationship portrayed, but it also provides space for those readers’ own imaginations to come into play.”

Meanwhile, Mayil has tickled this blogger’s funny bone and touched an emotional chord: “I think some serious issues have been addressed in extremely clever ways and they drive home the points beautifully. I am very glad topics as diverse as eunuchs, periods, sex and sexist attitudes have all been touched.”And Babylovesbooks says of the story Who Owns the Water from our story collection, Water Stories From Around The World, “It’s amazing how a simple children’s story can shine light on one of the world’s burning issues.”

We leave you with this special review of Postcards from Ura from seven-year-old Ishan Chatterjee: "I liked the book because there were a lot of interesting pictures with writing under them. Pictures are pictures, but the writing tells you more details. I liked the bullet points because they tell stuff without putting it on another page – it saves paper. I got to know a lot about Bhutan – about Ura and Bhutan’s capital city. I liked it when Dorji showed everybody that he could stand on his head. I liked his dog Domchu. It sounds like a funny name. Domchu looks very cute. I liked the Tiger’s Nest in Paro. I wish I stayed near Bhutan and the mountains because it would be so cold and we wouldn’t feel so hot all the time. There would also be a great view. There might be different dragon designs. There would be lots of fresh vegetables and fruits because there would be lots of trees and other stuff. The book was fun to read." June 16, 2011


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